Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Google's home page: implications

Got on the computer this morning to do a Google search, and something was different. Gone were the cute graphics cum link having to do with soccer (futebol as I know it) that when clicked upon would send the user to updated information about the World Cup games throughout the day.  What changed from yesterday to today?  Oh yeah, the US lost to Belgium.   What are the implications here?  It could be that the designer/programmer that puts together the home page is out today…  But what if they stopped putting up the cute graphics and stats because of some jingoistic and tribal reasoning about Americans not caring now that their team is no longer in the running.  And what, then, are the implications of that?  To me, if losing a game makes us lose interest in the championship; I think we should never again intone the words “peace in the middle east”.  I know, sounds convoluted, but think about it.  

...Hell, could be the guy/gal (designer) is just sick...

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