Friday, October 26, 2012


...funny, I keep reading about art work that has been produced and that echo ideas I've had in the past but have not implemented because I didn't think they had enough substance...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Eros e Thanatos

It's tough being in love with a predator...  ...hmmm

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Vacuity Redux

Obama has been campaigning for four long years, but this last month before his re-election will give new meaning to the word "interminable".  The vacuousness both candidates have used to avoid talking about any real issues facing the future of this nation makes the vacuum of outer space seem replete.  The coverage of this hollow exercise hasn't been much better.  I quote from an article written in the October issue of Artforum about Barbara Kruger's take on Media from the 80's:  Kruger’s take on electoral coverage is still horribly apt: dominated by “polls and statistics, an inescapable dose of numerical narrativity that constructs and collapses ‘public opinion’ with a kind of hydraulic ease.” 

November won't come soon enough.