Monday, August 31, 2015

Irony: situational or cosmic?

+/- 1933-1939:  Until Nazi Germany started World War II in 1939, antisemitic legislation in Germany served to "encourage" and ultimately to force a mass emigration of German Jews. The government did all it could to induce the Jews to leave Germany. In addition to making life miserable, the German authorities reduced bureaucratic hurdles so those who wanted to leave could do so more easily. source   (not that the German Jewry could take their belonging or were easily given asylum in other countries...) By September 1939, approximately 282,000 Jews had left Germany and 117,000 from annexed Austria. source

 2015: The German government had earlier forecast that 450,000 asylum seekers could arrive in 2015, but is now set to increase that to 650,000 or higher. source (not Jews)