“It’s ‘ovah’ baby!" You can kiss my vote good-bye. I am pressing that big red “Democratic” button without even looking at who is running for what. I hate your social policies, you are pathetic financial managers; and as far as national security goes, hey if we get hit enough times, even the democrats will grow some balls.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Letter to Republicans
“It’s ‘ovah’ baby!" You can kiss my vote good-bye. I am pressing that big red “Democratic” button without even looking at who is running for what. I hate your social policies, you are pathetic financial managers; and as far as national security goes, hey if we get hit enough times, even the democrats will grow some balls.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Letter to The People
The County Election by George Caleb Bingham
People, do not be swayed by the politicians who are currently claiming to be on your side by bloviating about not passing the Paulson plan; they are not on your side, they are just running for re-election. These same politicians, now spouting the wonders of the free market[1] and how we should let it take care of our[2] financial crisis, were not only asleep at the wheel when it all started unraveling, but were instrumental in loosening the oversight conditions that might have helped us avoid this situation in the first place. And they did so by advocating for the same free market conditions they are pushing for now. Educate yourselves and throw the bums out.
[1] which does indeed have wonders; this not being one of those times in which one can marvel at them.
[2] and don’t be fooled into thinking this is not “our” financial crisis- read my “letter to the Congress”.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Letter to Congress
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Palin People Allow Only Cameras
If It Smells Like It and Looks Like It
No, I am not referring to our current electoral season but to Andres Serrano’s latest work. Seeing an ad for his current show in the latest issue of Art Forum brought to mind a conversation I had with an acquaintance a while back. Said acquaintance was an art lover in the way that the average person who likes art likes it; not in the way that people who are familiar with the art world have had to understand it. Your average person would not ever have come in contact with Serrano’s work had the evangelicals who occasionally run the congress not seen to it that he become national news, thereby launching him into stardom, sending the price of his photographs sky high, and forever insuring his place in the anus, I mean, annals of art history.
My acquaintance broached the subject of Piss Christ and told me how he hated it and how offensive it was to him. In vain I tried to explain what a lovely photograph it was. But to see it as lovely one of course has to forget that it is the picture of a crucifix floating in piss, and my friend could not see past subject to form. I then tried to embody the voice of Eleanor Heartney and launched into a lame explanation of its content (as opposed to contents) by evoking the significance of body fluids in the Catholic religion. Even I couldn’t get past the nonsense I was spouting.
This season Mr. Serrano asks us to contemplate big beautiful pictures of piles of shit; this time with no little crucifix atop a mound[1] like a mini Corcovado. The medium is the message best describes Serrano’s work. His photographs are big, glossy, well printed, and chromatically pleasing; in essence, they are nice big pictures whose prettiness overshadows any content, if content there really is. In the end, after you pay your ten thou and take one of these home, “whatchu got” is just one more pile o’ shit.
[1] though at least that might actually bring Jesse Helms back from the grave so that we could again have a rollicking good time of “us” versus “them”.
How Different is Alaska Really
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Inference: Faulty Reasoning at the Best of Times
I am 42 years old,
I love the outdoors,
I hunt,
I am a Republican reformer,
I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,
I have five children,
I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor's office.
Did you guess?
space space space ...Tah dah!
I am Teddy Roosevelt in 1900
... Knowing that the sender always sends me fun things and puzzles, my inquiry dealt with trying to surmise the intent of the author of this missive in releasing such a string of meaningless words to the world at large, at this time, and in this place. Although the above facts could refer to Teddy Roosevelt, it is not a very complete list about him or of his accomplishments. In fact it is designed to mislead and to coral one into thinking of someone else whose life would sound exactly the same were we to de-contextualize it in this same fashion. So what is one to think...
I am 42 years old.
I love the outdoors; so much so, that I set aside huge swatches of it as national parks where nobody can drill for oil EVER.
I hunt.
I am a Republican reformer from the time before Reagan made a pact with the devil to include religious ideologues into the party.
I have taken on the Republican Party establishment.
I have five children, none of them pregnant out of wedlock.
I attended Harvard and graduated Magna cum Laude.
I wrote several books (one about an artist).
I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor's office;
But before that I had several jobs, including being President of the Board of Police Commissioners in the biggest city in the nation, where I instituted meaningful reforms.
Oh, and I also was secretary of the navy; but whose counting.
Did you guess?
space space space Tah-dah:
I am not Sarah Palin in 2008!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Black Monday
Sunday, September 14, 2008
DFW Hangs Himself Leaving One More Lacuna
I understand wanting to be no more, but the step between here and there is something most of us can’t begin to comprehend[1]. And ever since I heard that Jerzy Kozinski killed himself by placing a plastic bag over his head and taping it shut at the neck I’ve wondered at the strength of will necessary to in fact take that step. I understand pain and I’ve seen desperation, and yet that explains nothing, for it is hard to understand how a person can feel so much pain without understanding the pain that taking one’s life might cause in others[2]. Obviously at that moment, nothing else exists but the self and the act.
Ah well, people I admire are gone, and I remain, left to wonder if Wallace left a note, and if he did, did it contain one of his wondrous footnotes.
[1] Even though suicide seems to be the leading cause of death in the world: one million deaths by suicide per year. That being said, in an often crappy world such as this, that still means most of us trudge on, don’t commit it, and still can’t comprehend it.
[2] for “soul pain", the kind that must lead one to commit suicide, implies empathy.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
In France Pope Decries Secular Power-hungry Materialist Culture
...This from the man that wears Prada shoes and lives in the Vatican (the seat of the all-powerful Holy Roman Empire, remember, the one that amasses vast amounts of wealth)...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Bikinis: not just for looks
Dear ATC,
Why Is America all hung up about the use of bikinis in the women’s beach volleyball competition? I grew up in Brazil, where the bikini is a national uniform and going to the beach the national pastime; bikinis are truly the most comfortable attire for sandy beaches. Why does this country have to be so sophomoric about their, in this case, practical use. Seriously, this country does nothing but sell sex and sexual innuendo in all shapes and forms through all types of media all the time; and now the public is getting giggly and hung up about athletes wearing bikinis for practical reasons!? There is not one night that I can’t find a lap dancer in some show or another on prime-time television; why is nobody giggling about that... Gimme a break, grow up America!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sarah Palin is no feminist
The definition of feminism can sometimes be hard to pin down due to its long history and the mutations it undergoes as it radiates around the world to serve women of different ethnic backgrounds. I do not want to denigrate its function as a tool of emancipation for women all over the world; but when some of us say that Sarah Palin is not a feminist, it has nothing to do with how feminism can function to help women in, let’s say, Chad. When we put the words “Sarah Palin” and “Feminism” together, we are referring to the garden variety type of western feminism developed in America and Europe. The kind of feminism that calls for voting rights, the rights to contract, property rights, and the right to wade in the sewer of party politics, as well as, a woman’s right to bodily integrity and autonomy. That is, feminism does not only call for women to have the same rights men have in the market place and at home; but due to our different physiology, it also calls for the right to safe and legal abortions and the right to contraception, which can only come about with comprehensive education in what that means.
Sarah Palin has indeed functioned within the system that feminists have helped to create, after all she has used it to float up to the top of the big digestive system that is our current political scene; but she has eschewed the part of feminism that calls for bodily integrity and autonomy for all. Her views on that come from a paradigm that is anathema to feminist ideals. Dick Morris, advisor to Bill Clinton and now conservative political commentator (I suppose working for the Clintons might turn anyone into a conservative), lauds Palin’s personal reproductive choices, and so do I, in as much as they are her choices, a word that comes into play only when there is more than one option.
Palin has not been in office long enough to legislate in the matter of reproductive choice; but her views on the subject make it clear which way she will go given the time; she will curtail women’s choices, just as she curtailed those of her 17 year old child. She is no feminist, and nobody should have a hard time saying that, regardless of her strengths as a woman.