To the Republican Party:
I am sick and tired of you people. I have held my nose and voted for you in the past for reasons of national security and because you promised fiscal restraint and efficiency; but not this time, you just tipped that precarious balance. First McCain, whom I thought was independent minded and might bring some rational middle-of-the-road thinking to your party, impulsively pulls Sarah Palin out of some hat to rub my nose in all that I abhor about your party’s social agenda, and then you fail miserably in the fiscal responsibility “area” you claim to be experts at. Mind you, it is not just that you probably pushed us into a ten year recession by failing to pass the “bailout”, hell, you ran the executive and legislative branches of the government for four years and made a complete hash of it; Nancy Pelosi is a most unpleasant woman, but she's right.
“It’s ‘ovah’ baby!" You can kiss my vote good-bye. I am pressing that big red “Democratic” button without even looking at who is running for what. I hate your social policies, you are pathetic financial managers; and as far as national security goes, hey if we get hit enough times, even the democrats will grow some balls.
“It’s ‘ovah’ baby!" You can kiss my vote good-bye. I am pressing that big red “Democratic” button without even looking at who is running for what. I hate your social policies, you are pathetic financial managers; and as far as national security goes, hey if we get hit enough times, even the democrats will grow some balls.
vocĂȘ tem sorte, queria ver vocĂȘ escolher o Lula
heh heh, eu escolhi o Bush quando ele correu contra o Kerry (da primeira vez quando ele correu conta o Al Gore, eu exercitei meu previlegio de nao votar- cada vez que eu pensava num ou no outro dava curto circuito na minha cabeca), entao o Lula nao seria uma escolha tao dificil: merda por merda...