Monday, September 5, 2011

gibberish quote of the day

ART AS RESEARCH, RESEARCH AS ART: This is a powerful new force in contemporary culture, its development partly driven by a momentous shift in art education, where scholarly methodologies and knowledge production are increasingly emphasized.
Roelstraete, Dieter. Forest for the Trees. Artforum September 2011: 322-327

Notice the use of the word "momentous".  Seriously, nothing about art education can possibly be seen as momentous at this moment in history.  Of course, I might be proven very wrong in the future; but I think the Arab Spring, the turmoil with the European Union, the possible dissolution of the Euro, and the laying of the ground for a prolonged period of American stagnation might prove to be a little more "momentous".  Moreover, any art driven by shifts in "art education" should be viewed with extreme suspicion.

...not to mention that this is by no means a new trend- I've been reading and seeing "art as research" (which all too often looks like bad art and in no way resembles good research) for years now; maybe art educators just picked up on it... 

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