the Ranting Economist was watching CNBC, as he is wont to do when he comes home
from work, and the talking heads “du moment”
were discussing the new Snapchat glasses. One of them was wearing, testing, and testifying about one when I looked up from whatever corporeal haptic thing I was doing and said, not
wistfully but objectively, “I am finally old.”
I am finally
old because I could give a fuck about Snapchat and its glasses. And isn’t that what old means: to no longer
give a fuck about young people’s entertainment forms and to pay attention to
them only in so far as their stock value is concerned? … Though I have no doubt that the youth of
today who dream up these platforms are themselves thinking of valuation while most of the users just want to have fun as they become one more set of statistics at which to direct ads to…
So I’m old, not proudly but
matter-of-factly, and it’s not all that bad.