Thursday, November 10, 2016

Desenfranchised Shmenfranchised

The truly disenfranchised in this nation are those of us in the great middle who are always faced with having to make a choice between the devil on the right and the devil on the left.  Voting in a country where no one is willing to compromise about anything has become a most unpleasant Sisyphean task.  I am so tired of voting for the person I find less unpleasant and only likely to infringe on some of my rights instead of all of them.  We have been doing this for decades and all that has happened is that people have become more polarized and uglier while the country and the planet have literally been falling apart.  I am really sick and tired of it; and now with Trump in office I fear the parties will only get even more polarized with the left trying to win by going Warren and Sanders way, and god only knows where the right will go next (!).  I'm just sick of it.

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