I want to preface this with the fact (no pun intended) that I absolutely despise the administration currently parked at the White House. But this morning, while taking my cardboard boxes to the recycling center, I was musing on its use of the words "alternative facts" to describe bold face lying; and I was wondering how come, even though the words made a small splash, there wasn't a greater sustained outcry, and how maybe the Left is actually complicit in all this.
The funny thing about the "theory of alternative facts" is that the Liberal Left has been preaching about it since, oh I feel like saying the 80's, but that's just when I became aware of the theory of "alternative narratives" because I needed to internalize the main bullet points of Continental Theory in order to understand the conversation around the Postmodern art being made then, as well as, some of the art being made since. So it seems that the defense of "alternative facts" from the Far Left has probably been with us since at least the Frankfurt School in the 30's (the 1930's)...
Although Continental Theory, by its own nature (and theory (-:) absolutely refuses to state anything unconditionally or definitively or precisely or scientifically or logically, science and logic being "mere narratives of the ruling (white male) class", its de facto logical conclusion is absolute relativism; and apparently the Ultra-Right has internalized that decades old drumbeat.
Would it be OK if I cross-posted this article to WriterBeat.com? I'll be sure to give you complete credit as the author. There is no fee, I'm simply trying to add more content diversity for our community and I liked what you wrote. If "OK" please let me know via email.
Sure- didn't think anyone read my blog (-; - tried to email at address included but gmail not able to do deliver my response, so replying here- thanks