Sunday, June 14, 2009


Recession shmeesession: Downturn or not, and lack of housing starts or not, the transformation of Clemson into one more indistinguishable blip in the stultefying landscape that constitutes suburban America continues unabated.
There goes any dream some of us had that this place might developed into something different. Not that the dream ever had any chance of becoming reality; but one likes to dream.

Despite this being a college town, its human capital is relatively low, and with that comes a singular (or maybe, given the its prevalence, not so singular) lack of vision for a town that might be different than the ones that surround it. At the ballot box, the same kinds of good ol' boys with a "let's develop cheap, fast and dirty" attitude were again elected to the city council. And with them, any dream (there's that word again) of legislating intelligent, sustainable, and from the point of view of this artist, aethetically pleasing developnment is hereby nullified.

Hello suburban desert.

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