Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm not getting it

Dear Mr. Pissy President,
The banks seem to have paid off their TARP debt, and word is the people even made a profit on that:

Now, while were talking about vast amounts of money, lets check what the president said about the bank bailout, which has caused massive anger across the country. He said the banks have paid back most of the money they were given to save them. NPR's John Ydstie covers economic policy. And, John, have the banks paid back most of the money?

However you, who has not quite realized that you are President and seem to be constantly running for some office or another, are banking (no pun intended) on winning the hearts and minds of the populace by slapping a new tax on the banks.  The same banks that have paid their debt to the public coffers and that, until you opened your big mouth after you got slaughtered in Massachusetts, were actually at the forefront of the meager economic recovery we had been experiencing.   Obviously this is one more of your redistribution schemes.  
You are truly a one note man: taking from Peter to pay Paul seems to be your only impulse; even if in the process you hurt both Peter and Paul.  You be weird Mr. Pres.....

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