Saturday, October 25, 2008

little things that signify some unknown

I shop at the Ingles Supermarket, every once in a while, on my way back from the county pool, when I think of something I need that they might have. Despite my abhorrence of them when they first came out and of what they signify in this culture (but that's a whole other rant), I confess that I have become addicted to using their “do it yourself” check-out machines.

Due to some faulty wiring in my brain, lately I have been pressing the “Espanol” button instead of the “English” button when I first say hello to the darn thing, and have found out that once I do that, I am stuck having the machine dish out orders in “Espanol” throughout the rest of my engagement with it. Given that I speak Portuguese, it isn’t the end of the world and I go through the “processo” in “Espaneesh”. I did that yesterday, paid my bill; and as I was walking out, I thought to myself, “Hmmm 'interesante', the voice in the machine that gives out orders in English is a female voice; however the one speaking Spanish is a male voice....”

1 comment:

  1. seus ultimos dois comentários , fariam qq psicanalista delirar.
    A propósito como vai o "Barraco bamba(o)" , este trocadilho num fica em english.
    Dá pra me dar um e-mail mais fechado???
    Val (
