Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Letter to Senator McCain

Dear Senator McCain,

I have always admired you for your independent streak and sense of morality, and have voted for you every time your name came by on a ballot here in South Carolina. I am so sorry to say that I won’t be doing that this time around; and I won’t because of “that woman” and the way you have had to run your campaign to please the people you tried to appeal to with her nomination.

I understand your advisors were telling you that you could not bring in the right of the party if you did not choose somebody like “her”; and maybe you were stuck between a rock and a hard place. But unlike what you did in Vietnam, this time you did compromise your principles. Sorry to say sir, but these days, as you try to hold on to what you believe in, while at the same time trying to appeal to the extremists in your party, you look like something cobbled up by Dr. Frankenstein.

It is quite conceivable that you would have lost the election had you followed your heart and instincts and chosen Senator Joe Lieberman as your running mate instead (and what a truly independent ticket that would have been!). Had you run that race, sir, and lost, that would have been a dignified loss. As it is, may this farce be over soon.

Katya Cohen

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