Tuesday, September 1, 2009

what else? tattoos again

I know I’ve waxed "poetic" about tattoos tw ice already on these “pages”. This time: again tattoos, but no more poetry. I’m sick and tired of looking at way too many, what looks like, green ink smudges on people: ugly people, pretty people, little people, tall people, big ol’ fat fucking people. When something becomes this ubiquitous it starts losing any and all meaning.

Although it received an average of only a 2 to 3 star rating on internet reviews, I thought John Irving’s Until I Find You was a beautiful book using the obliteration of a person through tattooing as the centerpiece of its narrative. Yeah, the end, as with most of his novels, is indeed weak; but one does not read John Irving for his endings. The book was art and imbued each tattoo etched on the skin of one of the central figures with meaning. What I see out there is just a lot of ugly crap.

That’s what bugs me the most; the undifferentiated horror vacui of it all. The complete lack of breathing space; and when there is space, the complete disregard for composition, placement, or beauty. The whole thing is starting to offend me from an aesthetic, as well as, from a symbolic point of view. I am feeling claustrophobic, drowning in sea of "green" ink on flesh, with none of it looking any different from the rest. It’s just too easy to get tattoos these days; and obviously too easy to become a tattoo “arteest”.

I wonder if in the future (assuming there is such an animal) some archeologist, excavating the earth looking for signs of early 21st century Homo (certainly not) Sapiens Westernensis, won't find us by searching for heavy metals in the soil where our bodies were buried. At least all this ugly crap will have a purpose, if only as subject matter for some kid's PHD thesis on soil analysis.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. heh heh heh hah hah--- you always make me laugh

  3. p.s. i removed the previous comment because i realized that mentioning 'she vampires' could be incriminating (mostly paranoia)

  4. and more laughter! but you're mentioning them once more ...blog as living thing- heh heh--- the chances of the she vampires ever coming to this page are remote- I'm trying to figure out what kind of analogy to use to illustrate the remoteness of it and I am in the realm of things happening in parallel universes already (-;
