Thursday, October 28, 2010

Proof Positive of the End of the World

Hieronymous Bosch Christ Carrying the Cross (detail). 1490. Oil on panel. 

I just heard on the news: Evangelicals invade Brazilian Politics. As usual, shenanigans everywhere and both candidates lying to appease a growing evangelical constituency.  Sounds familiar?  Ugh.  ...Where oh where will I be able to live when their rule finally overcomes all rational thought about existence?  ...Christian fanatics here, Muslim fanatics there, Jewish fanatics over yonder... Where did the Enlightenment go?  Did it get so defeated by postmodernist relativism to finally allow the Middle Ages to rear its ugly head again?

Ok, I exaggerate.  The reason for the rise of religious fanaticism has more to do with a marginal global rise in per capita income than with a handful of European intellectuals.  People no longer have to toil continuously in order to just survive; they now have enough leisure time to use in the annoyance (and worse) of others.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the always welcome divided government in Washington.  Here's to giving the godless a fighting chance for a little while longer....

1 comment:

  1. Regarding "People no longer have to toil continuously in order to just survive; they now have enough leisure time to use in the annoyance (and worse) of others"

    They also have a little education, but not much, which is, as we have heard, a dangerous thing.
