Thursday, November 11, 2010

One more letter to NPR

I really should stop wasting my time... the way we do things will really never change--- but I can't help myself (I can't change either):

Dear ATC;

Before your show came on today, I had just listened to Guy Sorman on PRI’s “The World” talk about the need for cutting entitlements in western countries in an efficient and fair manner.  One of his insightful observations was that Western Governments seem to discuss this without any explanation to the public.  I also actually watched the bi-partisan commission discussions about the problem on C-Span.  Again, I heard good and well-reasoned argumentation about the need to cut entitlements and possibilities about how to do it.

As the wife of an economist, I, unlike a great majority of the general public, fully understand the strain western governments are under.  However, your interview with Jan Schakowsky (democratic representative of Illinois) did nothing to enlighten anyone about anything other than to demonstrate, once again, that we are floating up the proverbial creek without a paddle. 

Yes, the two wars we just squandered tax payer money on were and are a big waste of money; but the elephant in the room of massive deficit spending is still entitlements.  Without reforming how those are doled out to an aging population, we can cut off the military entirely and we still won’t markedly change the direction in which our deficits will be going, together with our economy and our future. 

I agree with Guy Sorman that more explanation of the problem to the public is absolutely necessary, and I am hoping that the news media like you might help in this endeavor.  That might mean more research and reporting and fewer interviews with politicians.  Politicians like Schakowsky are interested in only one thing, and that is reelection.  She is most definitely not a voice of reason willing to explain anything to her constituency.  She prefers to just keep doling money out to ensure that she remains in power.  The constituency needs to first be educated about the problem; and then, only then, will politicians do what is necessary to ensure a prosperous future for this country.  A tall order, and one I am not confident about.

Katya Cohen

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